Estelle Gitta
Ch. François-Lehmann 2
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© Editions Eclectica 2006-2009
Notice catalogue
Title: Humiliation and War Afghanistan, Israel/Palestine and Bosnia Authors: Gilbert Holleufer, Philippe Cotter Translator: Helen Mistry Illustration: 9 pictures International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) Pages: 102 Format: 140 x 200 mm (5.5118” x 7.874”) RRP: CHF 30.- (23.50 €) ISBN: 978-2-940371-09-9
How do we deal with feelings of humiliation when they become overwhelming? How can we prevent humiliated people taking revenge on defenceless victims? Joint authors Gilbert Holleufer and Philippe Cotter provide new insights into these pressing issues, in a world thrown off balance by the demise of the great ideological blocs and by the 9/11 attacks.
Available in French: ISBN 978-2-940371-01-3 La vengeance des humiliés. Les révoltes du 21e siècle.
Diffuseur/distributeur: Servidis SA
Statut: disponible en librairies
The Authors

From left to right:
Gilbert HOLLEUFER was a Harvard Research Fellow and has worked at the ICRC in Geneva. He specialises in the sociology of warfare and teaches at a Swiss senior school.
Philippe COTTER, PhD in International Relations, is the author of Nazism, Terrorism and Serial Killers. For several years now he has been engaged in researching the common roots of all forms of violence.
The Book
 How do we deal with feelings of humiliation when they become overwhelming? How can we prevent humiliated people taking revenge on defenceless victims? Joint authors Gilbert Holleufer and Philippe Cotter provide new insights into these pressing issues, in a world thrown off balance by the demise of the great ideological blocs and by the 9/11 attacks. In the first part of the book Gilbert Holleufer compares and contrasts the witness accounts of those who experienced the terrible conflicts of the late 20th century (Afghanistan, Israel/Palestine, Bosnia) with the aim of putting forward strategies to tackle collective forms of humiliation. In the second part Philippe Cotter analyses the modern forms of humiliation as well as the ensuing explosions of violence.
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